Why start so early?
Golf is losing young kids to other sports, and often they don’t come back. Other sports contact parents of newborns and toddlers. Why not golf? The goal at Little Golf T.R.A.I.N.™ is not to create a single-sport minded professional golfer at age 4. The goal is to offer a holistic experience of life through golf involving art, music, interpersonal social skills, intrapersonal self-management skills, fitness awareness, healthy nutrition habits and golf-like movements. When done correctly, successful golf introductions can happen as young as age 2, thus providing a wonderful early start in a lifelong game.
(Coach) I don’t enjoy working with children at that age. Why would I want to have this at my course?
Today, families want to include their children in sports they enjoy. Many courses are looking for ways to bring in more customers. Little Golf T.R.A.I.N.™ provides a niche to help grow the game. For every child who plays, there are probably other family members who might also play and perhaps take lessons.
(Coach) I don’t know how to work with this age group and/or I’ve been asked to create this type of programming and don’t know how to get started.
This is how Little Golf T.R.A.I.N.™ can help! Our online curricula provide detailed instructions for running each program. The turn-key kits and curricula are all ready to go… everything is in place for you to begin. We make it easy!
Why is there a renewal fee?
Little Golf T.R.A.I.N.™ strives to offer continued support. We want to keep you current on best early-learning practices and give you new ideas as you continue your program.
What is the Rail Pass?
The Rail Pass is a reward program for Certified Conductors who bring new Conductors aboard. For every 4 new successful Conductors a current Certified Conductor refers, the renewal fee is waived for the following year. It’s our way of saying thanks for getting aboard and believing in our program!
Isn’t hands-on training better than online training?
We understand your busy lives and demands on your time. Therefore, we have developed an online training/certification program tailored to meet your needs. We know that online training will also save travel costs and reach a larger community of people interested in this concept. Our Little Golf T.R.A.I.N.™ team will be available for consultation and virtual hands-on assistance for those who require it along the way.
Why does the program have all these other activities in addition to golf?
Children learn best through PLAY, not being spoken to or directed verbally or taught as if they were little adults. Our goal is to provide opportunities for self-discovery that help a child develop in many ways, not just through a single sport skill. Music and art help creativity flourish (and help with golf swing rhythm, tempo and shot imagery). Interpersonal skills help a child learn how to interact socially. Intrapersonal skills help children understand their feeling and emotions.
Why the emphasis on nutrition?
With health issues such as attention deficit disorder, obesity and diabetes being diagnosed in today’s youth, it’s important to establish young children with healthy nutrition habits. Children also need to begin at an early age benefiting from the positive social interactions meal times can provide.
This age group doesn’t seem to have the attention or behavior I can work with.
This age group does best in short spurts of activities, which are outlined in the curricula. Sometimes an activity of 5 minutes is all that’s needed before doing something different. Hitting range balls for 30 minutes at a time will not be effective. Working with small ratios and positive parent helpers/volunteers will be more productive.
Why does this program use plastic clubs and foam balls?
While there are several wonderful options for equipment for this age group, Little Golf T.R.A.I.N.™ sees the lightweight, molded-grip technology clubs as safe and effective learning tools. Children are able to “set” the club more in backswings and the plastic clubheads mimic traditional golf clubs visually, allowing them a nice transition into traditional clubs when the time is right. This is merely an introduction into the game with fun, lightweight and colorful clubs paired with foam balls for early success in a very safe environment!
(Parent) My course or coach doesn’t offer this program. How can we do this with our child?
Let us know! Get in touch any time on our contact page and we will strive to establish a program in your area. Also, we suggest sharing the website and information with your facility or coach or an educator in your area. Perhaps they will become Little Golf T.R.A.I.N.™ Certified Conductors!